1 July 2021


Tanger Med port received the first ship of Moroccans living abroad on June 17th as part of the Marhaba 2021 operation.

A warm reception was reserved by the port authority to the passengers coming from the port of Marseille.

Tanger Med, like previous transit operations, is preparing to welcome Moroccans living abroad through the establishment of a specific reception and support system. And following the King’s directives, this system has been further strengthened to deploy all material and human means to ensure the smooth and comfortable transit of passengers during Marhaba 2021.

This system mainly implemented by:
• Reinforcement of the 60% check-in points in the ferry terminal to increase the fluidity of the processing of pedestrian passengers in coordination with the authorities ;
• Development of green and relaxation spaces in the ferry terminal ;
• Improvement of shaded areas in the waiting zones ;
• Implementation of new internal routes for vehicle passengers, allowing for the separation of passengers and freight flows upon departure and arrival ;
• Installation of shelters for mobile scanners ;
• Improvement of all water supply sources Development of human resources: assistance, orientation, information, and traffic management agents ;
• Creation of assistance services for people with special needs through a dedicated program adapted to their needs At the same time, a special arrangement, named “Safeguard,” to fight against COVID-19 has been implemented to protect and secure the route of pedestrians and vehicle passengers and contain the spread of the pandemic, through :
• Increased disinfection measures in all port areas ;
• Disinfection of vehicles and passengers’ luggage at access points ;
• Labeling of floors to ensure proper spacing in the waiting areas ;
• Installation of thermal cameras for temperature checking ;
• The installation of information panels and digital signage screens to inform passengers of the procedures in place and the guidelines to be followed ;
• The broadcasting of continuous audio messages by Tanger Med radio, to make passengers aware of complying with protective measures as well as the necessary precautions and health recommendations required .

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