7 May 2020


Continuity of import- export operations across the strait


In the current context of a global pandemic, the two port authorities of Tanger Med and Algeciras Bay, continue their respective port activities serving the national and international supply chains.

Maritime connections between the two ports and daily ship rotations are ensured normally, and in particular trucks traffic, both import and export trade flows between Morocco and the European Union. These exchanges include agri- business, sanitary and pharmaceutical flows, etc. hence maintaining the key role of running supply chains.

For this purpose, regular exchanges of information and good practices take place between the two port authorities, as well as regular meetings are organized by videoconference in order to ensure the fluidity and continuity of operations.

In parallel and in the framework of the advanced collaboration agreement put in place in February 2019, the two port authorities are continuing exchanges and joint work for the implementation of a device that facilitate trade flows across the strait, including the exchange of digitized data on traceability of goods and trucks throughout all over the different access control points in both port areas.

We take this opportunity to pay tribute to the commitment of the entire port community in ensuring the continuity of these trade flows, w as well as the control authorities that form the logistics chain of this maritime bridge. This total involvement allows the consolidation of the facilitation platform of the Strait of Gibraltar.

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