5 July 2022

Port and Logistics

Following the last two years marked by the health crisis, Tanger Med Passengers Port has started the Marhaba 2022 campaign, under the supervision of the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity.

Tanger Med Passengers Port is the first entry point for Moroccans from all over the world to Morocco. In fact, it is expected to receive more than 1.5 million passengers during this 2022 campaign. This figure represents almost 50% of the general traffic that passes through the Strait of Gibraltar.

Every year, Tanger Med Passengers Port sets up a special device during the Marhaba campaign, to welcome Moroccans from all over the world in the best conditions.

The maritime fleet plan put in place by the Merchant Marine Department, to ensure the Tanger Med – Algeciras links, provides for a transport capacity of 40,000 passengers and 10,000 vehicles per day.

Vessels are also mobilized for long-distance crossings to Spain (in particular to the port of Barcelona), Italy (to the port of Genoa), and France (to the ports of Marseille and Sète). with a weekly transport capacity of 20,000 passengers and 7,000 cars.

With regard to facilities and services offered to passengers, Tanger Med Port has taken advantage of the period of forced stoppage due to the pandemic to make the necessary improvements to the reception facilities. As a result, a budget of 150 million MAD has been mobilized to prepare the transit operation, ensuring fluidity and health safety, through the strengthening of the reception, accommodation, and inspection capacities.

The number of stamping counters increased from 10 to 16 at the maritime level for pedestrian passengers, the deployment of 32 counters for vehicle passengers, the increase of shaded areas, the improvement of lighting, the development of areas dedicated to children and green spaces, as well as the establishment of drinking water fountains, restaurants, information points, and sanitary facilities, in addition to the development of an area dedicated to health inspection at the borders, and the establishment of other necessary service structures.

The necessary human resources have also been expanded to ensure the success of the “Marhaba 2022” operation in compliance with the sanitary situation and the public health of citizens, and this in close collaboration with all partners involved in this operation: the DGSN, the Gendarmerie, Customs, Auxiliary Forces, the Ministry of Health, local Authorities, under the overall coordination of the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity.

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