1 January 2022


The support and schooling of young people with mental disabilities is a complex issue on a global scale that requires collective action. The impact on the family of the arrival of a child with a mental disability is considerable on several levels:
-Shock following the medical diagnosis, rejection and denial of the situation
-Parents at risk of fatigue that can lead to exhaustion, depression, and social isolation Tensions affecting married life
-Difficulties in managing other siblings
-Difficulties in carrying out one’s professional life
-Difficulties in socializing and integrating into society

The presence of a resource person, in charge of assisting the child with a disability, ensuring the role of mediation and facilitating the inclusion in the school and extracurricular environment, is thereby a fundamental requirement for the development of the child. For this reason, Tanger Med Foundation, in partnership with the Association Enfants Du Paradis, has launched a training program for school life
assistants (AVS) in order to fill a considerable gap in qualified resources in the region.

A dozen young women have been enrolled and are now receiving training in modules such as educational sciences, psychology, sociology, evaluation and communication techniques, pedagogical workshops, etc.

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